Last week I was lucky enough (thanks Jess!) to catch Roland Schimmelpfennig's deconstructed play The Golden Dragon
at the MTC Lawler Studio theatre (as translated by David Tushingham).
Reading every word of the play – short pause – numerous plot lines were
developed in a series of vignettes as actors jumped frantically from scene to
scene in Andrew Bailey's brilliant abstract set.
It must be
said that this set truly enhanced the production - a closed
shipping container that is unpacked in the opening scene, the stage
shifts from apartment, to restaurant, to kitchen and back. Through deft
lighting cues and clever design, this singular structure adapted as the
actors brought each character and thus story to life in the space.
The only disappointment was having to watch the actors pack it all up at the end...
Alison Croggon’s review.
An interview with Andrew Bailey.