Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Garden of Eden and the Illuminati - The Rothschilds Chapter

On 12/12/1972 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild held a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions. These photographs reveal the underlying ideology of the occult elite. The invitation was written in reverse, inversion being critical in a pseudo-satanic mind state.

The Château de Ferrières was lit in red to make it appear as if it was on fire. Scenes from Roman Polanski’s movie about Satan “9th Gate” were filmed there. In “Eyes Wide Shut”, the occult ritual takes place in another Rothschild mansion, Mentmore Towers in the UK.

The hosts of the ball: Guy de Rothschild & Marie-Hélène de Rothschild wearing a horned “giant’s head” with tears made from real diamonds.

 Baroness Marie-Hélène de Rothschild and Baron Alexis de Redé.

Baron Alexis de Redé in Dali designed hat and wearing multiple-faced mask, as seen in Eyes Wide Shut. Below with Mrs. Espírito Santo.


This costume made reference to the famous painting The Son of Man, making a direct biblical reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden.

The dinner table.


 Salvador Dali in front of his famous depiction of Mae West.

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