Marcus Ohlsson
The Baroque [...] curves the folds round and round. Drives them to infinity, fold on fold, fold after fold. The endlessly ongoing fold is a characteristic feature of the Baroque.
- Gilles Deleuze: Le pli. Leibniz et le baroque
Dorotheum 300
2007, permanent marker on vinyl floor, 210m sq. 300 years Dorotheum Vienna
photo:Raimo Rudi Rumpler
"With her unerringly orchestrated spatial creations between Minimal Art and the Baroque, between all-over and white cube , Heike Weber establishes a moment of performative dynamization: she circles around her picture plane – half minimalist hallucination, half a slow-motion Pollock – and simultaneously incites the picture plane to circle around the viewer."
- Martin Engler, Freiburg, August 2004 (from the German by Jeanne Haunschild)